Dungeon Nightmares II: The Memory is an Adventure, Survival-Horror, Action, and Single-player video game developed and published by K Monkey for PC and Mac. It introduces the first-person gameplay with psychological horror aspects, taking the player through a challenging journey of discovering what nightmares are about. The classic rogue-like games heavily inspire it, and the game features randomly generated maps and permadeath elements. All these features perform a vital role in making the game tense with feeling of terror and dread as the player walks the halls of the dungeons. In the game, the player can move from a first-person perspective, and his ultimate task is to complete a set of objectives while facing vicious creatures to earn points. The procedurally generated environment promises the unique gameplay as well as atmosphere every time the player jump in to complete objectives. Dungeon Nightmares II: The Memory offers prominent features such as 3D Environment, Procedural-generated Maps, Intense Scary Atmosphere, Combat-less Gameplay, and more.
Dungeon Nightmares II : The Memory Download For Mac